--------- --------- This blog has been moved: The Adratic sea

onsdag den 17. juni 2009

The Adratic sea

My plans have changed a little. I will not make it to Palermo, but cross from the east coast to the west coast at Foggia. From there i'll go to Vesuvio, Napoli, Amalfi and that area.
Italy is hot, hot, hot... Yesterday was 38 celsius (100 f)to day is a bit cooler. Trafic is not too bad and the Italians very nice.

At the moment i'm just outside Pescara and i'll be driving a few hours before finding a nice Albergo.

Somewhere north of Pescara, it's hot.

Somewhere in the Dollomits.

On my way down Grossglockner my back brakes got so hot that they stopped working ... witch is not a good thing coming down at pass. After about 10 min the oil was cooled enough to continiue. But through the Dollomits i took the walleys. (My brakes are fine now... as long as i don't over use them... will try to find at place where they have time to do a quick oil change)

Lokking down at the roads i just cam up from.

At the north entrance of Grossglockner pass.

A view somewhere in Bavaria

There was close to 200 V-Strom bikes to the ralley in Altrictenau. 7 came from Denmark, with 8 persons.

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