--------- --------- This blog has been moved: From Bialystock to Wasaw, on the way to Pragh

onsdag den 10. juni 2009

From Bialystock to Wasaw, on the way to Pragh

Being on the bike for 6-8 hours every day, makes my but and bag ack... but i'm on a scedule... But don't worry i don't drive if i'm too tired.

I made it to Bialystock, and the day after i was in Wazawa. To day i'll by heading to Pragh and then thursday i'm at the V-Strom ralley in Altreitenau in Germany. I'll tell you some storyes when i'm at the Ralley. I'll bee resting for 2 day's so i shout be able to type a few lines.

ps. the chrased truck acceident had happend a few minutes before i passed. The white truck had chrased into another truck. dont think the driver was in very good shape... It makes you think ekstra about taking care in the Polisch trafik...

Keith, Czestochowa.

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